Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Burning Rose.

An overlooked bud once, a Rose in the wild,
Dreamt of cooler summers & winters that were mild.
Plucked away one day to adorn a corner,
The Rose thought now its woe was over.
Placed in a beautiful vase, it saw moments ticking by,
But where was the weather, it always wanted to enjoy?
Everyone said the Rose was a beauty among the few
But it was waiting for its dream to come true.
The dream was the reason for the Rose to be alive,
And there was grief in its heart while people said it smiled.
Time flew away & so did its vigour
Soon it was going to lose its essence forever.
Hope still dwelled in its eyes,
Maybe there will be a better life next time....

Finally, the corner was empty,
And the Rose all withered and dried,
Now burnt in the vicious fire.....
....Of shattered dreams and broken desires.....



Samhita said...

oh God!!...poor rose, sometimes i too feel the same for what i all my dreams are shattered..but then i think that whatever happenes,happenes by the will of GOD..the bible say"TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL UR HEART, AND LEAN NOT ON UR OWN UNDERSTANDING"..

Nice one..!!

Sach1 said...

Very well versed..

Keep bloggin'

Nice blog

RiverSoul said...

Really well done.
The poem is a heart wrenching
Reminder that all the desires in life are not always fulfilled. . . . .
I am adding your blog to my network in indiBlogger and also in my own blogroll.
Hope you dont mind.
Look forward to your visits to my blog too.

randomvisitor said...

thats the first word came out after reading ur blog.......
the way of personification with the hint of pessimism....thats really close to my heart.........

MAYUR said...

प्रिया मित्र,
भोपाल में एक ब्लॉगर मीट करने का विचार है ,जिसमे हम ब्लोगिंग से जुड़े कई विषयों पर बात कर सकते हैं । इस ब्लॉगर मीट में अपनी उपस्तिथि दर्ज कराने और एजेंडा बनाने में मदद करने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक कर रजिस्टर कर सकते हैं । हमें उम्मीद है की हम अपने ब्लोगों के लिए कुछ न कुछ ले के ही जायेंगे

धन्यवाद ,